Saturday, April 14, 2007

The Power of Books.

Books are amazing things.

They can make us laugh, make us cry or scare us half to death. They come in all sizes, different shapes and some have nothing but pictures. Some books are for learning complex things like super string theory while others are all about the little things like where butterflies go when it rains.

I am an aggressive and passionate advocate of books. My children Jay* and Tee* both had extensive book collections prior to their births. At Eight months pregnant with Jay, I was playing her the audio versions of Pride and Predjudice, A Tale of Two Cities and anything else I could get my hands on. I did the same with Tee and as a result, both of my children have massive vocabularies for their ages, the comprehension to use the words correctly and in context and at only just eight years old Jay understands (and is getting profficiant in) sarcasm.

Reading is the one thing I believe has saved me from mediocrity. It has enabled me to seek out new challenges, bond with my kids and generaly keep myself grounded.

*names of minors have been change.

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